24 June 2018

Whites, Blacks and Caucasians

One of the most idiotic things in the English language is the custom of referring to the White race as "Caucasian". The people who use that term have obviously never seen actual Caucasians.

For those who don't know, Caucasia is a region north and south of Caucasus mountains where, geographically speaking, Europe meets Asia. It's between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, north-east of Turkey, north-west of Iran, south-east of Ukraine, south of Russian heartland. I hope something from that rings a bell.

Now, Caucasians do technically belong to the White race all right, but only in the broadest possible meaning of the word. When an average person thinks about the White race, he would imagine people like English, German, Scandinavian or Russian. Most Caucasians look clearly darker than that. In fact, in Russia, as well as in my country Estonia, and surely some others, Caucasians are called Blacks. That's right, the Russian word чёрный (chornyi), which is the regular word for the colour "black", also means a person of Mediterranean-Middleeastern-Caucasian race. (As far as I understand, the corresponding term in English is "Dago".)

I have not studied the use of that word in other languages, and that is not really the point. The point is that many millions of White people obviously perceive the Caucasians so non-White that they have taken to calling them "Blacks".

A classmate of mine who went to study in the USA back in the 1990's told me later how he was greatly confused when asked about his race in a form he had to fill out, as he couldn't identify with any of the choices given. He reflected that he was obviously not Black (which, of course, he knew meant "Negroid" in English), obviously not Asian, obviously not Mexican, and so the only choice left was Caucasian. I think many an East European in the USA has found it puzzling.

It is more than confusing and inaccurate. To call us Caucasians is an insult. We are not Caucasians any more than Incas are Apaches. From the scientific point of view, we may technically belong to the same race as the Caucasians, but to suggest that we ARE Caucasians is really very offending.

I have heard of a case when an American from Missouri took offence when called a Yankee. And you have the nerve to call us Caucasians?

To give you a comparison – the scientific name for the so-called yellow race may be "Mongoloid", but you never refer to the Indonesians or Vietnamese as "Mongols". Because they aren't, are they?

Caucasia is an obscure region whose inhabitants barely qualify as White. Whoever came up with the ludicrous thought that the Caucasians could somehow be considered representative of the White race?

06 June 2018

Populaarseim eesti film?

Mul on kooliajast meeles, kuidas eesti keele õpetaja Oskar Lutsust rääkides mainima juhtus, et «Kevade» olla mingi uuringu põhjal kõikide aegade populaarsuselt teine eesti film. Mis see esimene siis on, küsisime meie imestunult. «Viimne reliikvia», vastas õpetaja. Ah jaa, muidugi.

Möödusid aastad, Eesti sai vabaks ja tehti film «Nimed marmortahvlil». Aastat viis-kümme pärast selle väljatulemist lugesin hämmastusega statistikat, et nüüd olevat see kõikide aegade populaarseim eesti film.


Kinokülastuste statistikale ei saa ma vastu vaielda, aga pole ju mingi saladus, et plaanimajanduse oludes ei olnud see, kui kaua üks või teine film kinos jooksis, eriti seotud sellega, mida rahvas vaadata oleks tahtnud. Kui aga rääkida filmi  p o p u l a a r s u s e s t , siis kolm-nelikümmend aastat tagasi oli «Viimset reliikviat» näinud praktiliselt iga eestlane. Väljendid sellest filmist said osaks eesti rahva kõnepruugist. Mis puutub «Nimedesse marmortahvlil», siis ei mäleta ma, et oleksin kasvõi üks kord viibinud mõnes seltskonnas, kus see film jutuks oleks tulnud või selle tegelasi mainitud või selles kõlanud efektseid ütlusi lausutud. Ja eestlaste arv kolm-nelikümmend aastat tagasi on ligikaudu sama, mis eestlaste arv praegu.

Palun minust mitte valesti aru saada. Mul ei ole kõigevähematki filmi «Nimed marmortahvlil» vastu. Aga väita, et tema populaarsus on kuidagimoodi võrreldav sellega, kui populaarne oli omal ajal «Viimne reliikvia», on absurd.